5 years’ worth of animated mementos is all that is left of a relationship.
Ticket stubs, museum buttons, illustrations, love letters and other mixed media.
Two Crayons meet amount a box full of colors. The two crayons dance a harmonic creation leading to something even more beautiful.
The puppets were handmade foam rubber, foam sheets and fabric paint.
The School of Visual Arts Thesis Film, I finally put all the hours of watching The X-Files into some good use. Obsessed with the T.V. show The X-Files and it's co-star David Duchovny, Nancy decides to make her fantasies a reality by going to California to find him.
The perils and difficulties of falling in love do indeed start at the very beginning of life for this contented, but isolated egg.
Created for the 24 hour Film Race 2011.
As a traditional animator with Flaming Medusa Studios, I worked on sequencing, hand drawing roughs, and After Effects editing in the production of this short educational film.
During my three years as an animator and fabricator at Carl Paolino Studios, I designed and built stop motion puppets, props, production sets, and costumes.
My work appears in many productions by this studio, including the demo above and the AMC series The Wrong Coast.